vendredi 16 juin 2017

Demeures de l'épouvante / Mansions of Madness.

Well the little survey has ended, and although the turnover wasn't terrific, it is settled : tomorrow's article will be an unboxing of the Second Edition of Mansions of Madness. And since my copy is in French, I'll  write the article in French, for once. Just let me know in the comments section, non-French-speaking readers, if you need an English-speaking version, I'll work on it, even though the cards and all the stuff inside the box are written in French (I don't think you might get something really different in your country...)
Well, see you all tomorrow!

Les votes ont parlé!!! Demain soir : déballage de la Seconde édition des Demeures de l'épouvante!!!!

1 commentaire:

  1. Bon je ne l'ai pas fait ... car les 90 euros j'avais pas envie
    Mais l'idée était là et je pense que c'est un super projet pour un jeu qui est vraiment bien rodé
